Wednesday, October 29, 2014


As a whole, is humanity better for having the internet, or would it be better-off without it? There can be little doubt that many of the atrocities committed on the internet have very real and negative effects on the world (human trafficking, pornography, and bullying to name just a few). But by the same token, so much good has come from the internet, such as more effective family history work and strengthened relationships through social media. When it comes down to it, however, all of these things related to the internet have one common thread - communication. The internet is limited in its goodness by the goodness of humanity, as it is simply another tool for communication. The internet is human in nature, and so it is only as good as the nature of those who use it.

1 comment:

  1. This really reminds me of a quote from Elder Bednar's talk given at Education Week this past August. He said that " in and of itself is neither inherently good nor bad. Rather, the purposes accomplished with and through technology are the ultimate indicators of goodness or badness." If we were to only ever choose to do good with technology and to use it with sense, we would always consider technology to be good, regardless of what other people chose to do with it.
