Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Great Balancing Act

A principal concern of church leaders regarding computer use is their predominance in our lives and their overuse. I certainly find this to be a valid concern. I grew up with computers - already at the age of 10, I was programming in BASIC and spent a good portion of my time outside of school engaged with my computer. While this interaction has obviously led to good results, such as my current major, it has also led to problems. I have found a personal tendency to become engulfed in a computer when I find myself in a stressful situation, rather than confronting my stressor. This is one of the signs of addiction. It seems that even good use of computers can become an addiction if not put in check. Computer use must be held in constant balance for our own good.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to think about the reality of balance. Any virtue taken too far can become a vice. It's hard with computers especially because of their inherent awesomeness.
