Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Internet is Free. Are you?

The internet is free. At least, recent movements have pushed in that direction. As a society, we're increasingly concerned with making sure that the internet becomes and remains free from governmental and other constraints. However, as we do this, we ignore a potentially more devastating problem - are we, as a society, free from the internet? Increasingly, the internet has become an integral and accepted part of our daily lives. The word that comes to mind is "dependence." Dependence is one of those concepts that can be either uplifting or damning, depending on its context. It is good to be dependent on God, or to depend on those closest to us. In the same breath, however, an addict is dependent on his drug, and some in our country have become dependent on government handouts. The internet can play either role in our own lives. How do you depend on the internet?

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